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  • Writer's pictureSandy Talbot

Mistakes to Avoid in an Expansion Project #3

Improper Site Selection

Proper site selection is the key. It can make all the difference.

Unfortunately, it is much more difficult than it was a decade or so ago. Gone are the days when you could just go out, buy a chunk of land and build a church on it. Now there are numerous environmental and zoning issues to deal with. We can’t stress enough the importance of the completion of an Environmental Study before bidding on property. It is the best insurance you can buy. It's comparable to having a home inspection before buying a residence.

The Phase One Environmental Study tells if there are contaminants on the property. The owner is responsible for the proper removal of these contaminants, whether or not he is the originator of the hazard. And the removal of these wastes can be very costly.

The cost of the Phase One Study covers a broad range, we suggest you check with the local planning commissions to see exactly what environmental studies should be undertaken before deciding on a piece of land, and what zoning issues you will confront. This is another reason for purchasing a “full set sample plan.” The planning commission will have a greater level of comfort if they can see what the church is thinking of building.


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